GBM Blog Archive: August 2016
Soil and Water Conservation that counts A GBM-led initiative in partnership with TNC Upper Tana Nairobi Water fund
The Green Belt Movemnet (GBM) is mobilizing rural households to intensively restore natural resources on their farms and on riparian reserves with special focus on soil, water and diversity of trees and crops grown.
Professor Wangari Maathai and Green Belt Movement in the primary school curriculum
Case studies of prominent environmentalists, namely the Green Belt Movement and Professor Wangari Maathai, have been used to enhance this knowledge and inspire the pupils.
The story of Elizabeth Finley Broaddus
As we remember Finley, our care should not be for her to have lived long as to have lived enough. Her memory lies with us here.
Mt. Kenya Forest, the beauty we cannot afford to lose
Mt. Kenya Forest is not only one of the biggest tourist attractions in the country, it also plays a critical role in water catchment and is one of the five main "water towers" of Kenya