Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
AFD’s partnership with GBM aims to restore the degraded areas of the Aberdare forest ecosystem and better it functions – in particular, water and biodiversity – while also improving the livelihoods of communities adjacent to it.
This partnership began in 2006 with a goal to plant indigenous trees on 2,000 Ha of degraded forestland in the Aberdare forest. An important aspect of this project is to research the extent to which the rehabilitation of the water catchment area affects the underground water in key watershed areas, specifically the Ndakaini and Sasuma dams. The outcome of this project will provide important baseline information about the central role that forested mountains play in recharging underground water reservoirs.
The specific objectives of this project are to:
1. Rehabilitate degraded areas to maintain hydrology, the soil, and forest biodiversity
2. Support and diversify, in a sustainable manner, sources of income and promote alternative and profitable use of forest
3. Promote protection initiatives for the forest by civil society
4. Create conditions for replication of a pilot project for total rehabilitation of forest basin
About the Aberdare Ecosystem
The Aberdare ecosystem is the main water catchment for Sasuma and Ndakaini dams, which supply water to Nairobi and other major towns. Its eastern slopes form the catchment of River Tana that supplies water to the seven forks dam and also supports major irrigation schemes of Mwea, Bura, and Tana Delta. The Malewa river also feeds Lake Naivasha, which supports a prolific flower and horticulture industry. The forest is also the source of water for the adjoining rural populations within the ecosystem and beyond. The major challenges threatening the forest ecosystem today include encroachment, illegal logging, and charcoal burning.
Visit the website of Agence Française de Développement (AFD)