The Wangari Muta Maathai House - a legacy project

Wangari Muta Maathai's legacy takes many forms: the special qualities of her personality and vision; the lessons she took from her experiences; and the fortitude she displayed in speaking truth to power.

In Kenya, she remains a symbol of hope and steadfastness. Her moral authority, resoluteness, and incorruptibility are truly missed by the ordinary people she championed and on behalf of whom she spoke. Throughout the world, she is remembered for her unwavering commitment to the global environment and the most marginalized people, particularly women. The loss of her strong voice and accessible presence has left a huge gap, particularly as nations and communities grapple with the realities of a changing climate.

We, her friends, family and the extended Green Belt Movement family are dedicated to ensuring that her work and life are not forgotten, but that they continue to encourage people to live with conviction and courage. We believe that legacy projects are a vital way for people to honor Wangari's memory, share experiences and be inspired by her life's journey to take action.

To that end, we are proposing the creation of the Wangari Muta Maathai House (WMM House): a sanctuary for reflection and renewal; a final home for her ashes; and a place of learning, growth, and action.

Read the entire Concept Note here.

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