GBM Blog Archive: December 2015
The Hummingbird and the Climate Summit
The hummingbird challenges us to extinguish the fire that's been created in our own patch of forest--the Earth itself--no matter the perceived futility of the action or the passivity of those standing by who could do more through collective will, but choose only to stand and watch.
Papal Encyclical - Laudato Si', the Earth Charter and the Green Belt Movement
We are inspired by Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter, urging for swift action on climate change in which he cites and quotes the Earth Charter. This Encyclical underscores the need for climate action not just to protect our environment, but to protect humankind and the most vulnerable communities among us.
We must fight climate change with trees in Africa
Restoration holds the potential to shield us from those dangers while also providing a wide range of benefits.