GBM Blog Archive: April 2012
The Green Belt Movement provides grassroots perspective at international conference
Late in December 2011 Edward Wageni presented a paper on the Green Belt Movement’s (GBM) grassroots experiences on sustainable development, agriculture and food security in a seminar hosted under the auspices of World Bank Development Leadership programme. The programme is designed to provide participants with an opportunity to deepen their knowledge and skills to enhance sustainable development.
Bringing Clean Cookstoves to GBM Communities
Earlier this week, the Green Belt Movement co-hosted an East Africa regional meeting with the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves in Nairobi, Kenya. GBM was identified as a key regional partner in this new initiative from the UN Foundation, and several members of staff were there to represent GBM at the conference. Wanjira Mathai, Director of International Relations at GBM, spoke at the event to a receptive audience about the importance of protecting the environment in Kenya and empowering women.