GBM Blog Archive: May 2010
Millennium Development Goals, MDG 7
Almost ten years ago, in the UN Headquarters in New York, 192 countries and 23 international organizations adopted the Millennium Development Goals Declaration. This was a landmark in the history of the international cooperation and reflected a global aspiration to provide an effective solution to the most important problems affecting developing countries. The MDGs involve aspects such as the eradication of extreme poverty, the improvement of universal primary education and the mitigation of some epidemic diseases. These goals should be achieved by 2015. This year draws ever nearer. The question rises quite spontaneously: With less than 5 years to 2015, are we on the track to meet the target? Is the world on its way to achieve the seventh MDG, the goal regarding environmental sustainability?
The Road to Mexico: Christiana Figueres Appointed New UNFCCC Executive Secretary
Last week, Ban Ki Moon – the Secretary General of the UN – appointed Christiana Figueres of Costa Rica as the new climate chief of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Ms Figueres will be replacing Yvo de Boer as the Executive Secretary.
Karura Rehabilitation Efforts Bear Fruit
This remarkable video of the Kenyan Television NTV shows the concrete results of the efforts and the commitment of Professor Wangari Maathai in protecting and avoiding the deforestation of Karura Forest, which is a vital part of the city of Nairobi, in Kenya. “Situated on the edge of Nairobi, Karura Forest serves as the lung of the congested metropolis” (Wangari Maathai - Unbowed).