GBM Blog
World Water Day
Today around the world, individuals and nations will come together to celebrate World Water Day (WWD). WWD was officially declared by the UN General Assembly in 1992, and has been celebrated each year since on March 22nd. The goal of this year’s celebration is to raise awareness about water quality around the world and to highlight solutions to the world’s greatest water challenges.
Protecting essential water supplies is a challenge that many GBM communities face on a daily basis. A devastating three-year drought in Kenya, coupled with mass deforestation across the country, has left many families without the water they need to nourish themselves, as well as their crops and livestock.
GBM recognizes the direct connection between tree coverage and water supply. We understand that in order to begin solving the water crisis in Kenya, we must actively work to restore the forests and ecosystems that protect the nation's precious water sources. This is why GBM continues to focus our tree-planting on the five main water towers in Kenya - Mt. Kenya, Aberdares, Mau Complex, Mt. Elgon and Cherengani Hills – which provide 90% of Kenya’s population with water.
Additionally, our water harvesting programs educate GBM community members on how to stop erosion and how to capture run-off from roads and roofs. Through tree-planting, environmental education and advocacy campaigns, we are empowering communities to restore these deforested areas, as well as influence policies that will protect these water catchment lands for years to come.
In honor of WWD, we invite you to support GBM’s grassroots tree-planting efforts that will preserve the five main water towers in Kenya. Together, with each tree planted, we can help ensure a quality water supply in Kenyan communities for generations to come!