GBM Blog
The Road to Mexico: Christiana Figueres Appointed New UNFCCC Executive Secretary
Last week, Ban Ki Moon – the Secretary General of the UN – appointed Christiana Figueres of Costa Rica as the new climate chief of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Ms Figueres will be replacing Yvo de Boer as the Executive Secretary.
Karura Rehabilitation Efforts Bear Fruit
This remarkable video of the Kenyan Television NTV shows the concrete results of the efforts and the commitment of Professor Wangari Maathai in protecting and avoiding the deforestation of Karura Forest, which is a vital part of the city of Nairobi, in Kenya. “Situated on the edge of Nairobi, Karura Forest serves as the lung of the congested metropolis” (Wangari Maathai - Unbowed).
Undies for Earth Day
This Earth Week, PACT is partnering with The Green Belt Movement to plant a forest. During this week, each pair of underwear will help to plant 20 trees. The goal is to plant 100,000 trees!
Moving on from Copenhagen
In December in Copenhagen world leaders were supposed to reach a global deal on climate change at the United Nations climate talks. Needless to say, they did not!
2010: The Official Year of Biodiversity
2010 was declared by the United Nations the "International Year of Biodiversity". The aim is to draw attention to the alarming rate at which an increasing amount of species on our planet are on the verge of extinction. The result of this process is not just a loss in the variety of species but it can also have important consequences for the future of human beings. In fact, human life is directly connected with the biological diversity presented on Earth.
On your marks, get set....GO GLOBAL
Now that those long dark winter nights are behind us and you’re toes are inching towards your summer sandals, why not think about flexing those thrifty fingers for a great cause?
World Water Day
Today around the world, individuals and nations will come together to celebrate World Water Day (WWD). WWD was officially declared by the UN General Assembly in 1992, and has been celebrated each year since on March 22nd. The goal of this y
ear’s celebration is to raise awareness about water quality around the world and to highlight solutions to the world’s greatest water challenges.
GBM celebrates International Women's Day
On this International Women's day in 2010 we would like to borrow a quote from elsewhere on our website. It is from our founder, Wangari Maathai, of course- speaking a few years ago about the women of the Green Belt Movement. Here is to those women and women all around the world for their unsung hard work, patience and persistence- Women are the bedrock of our society.
Prof speaks at 10th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit
Prof is on the road again! We are in India at the moment where we attended the 10th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit. The speakers and delegate’s list read like a UN gathering – heads of state and government, activities, scientists among others. The 3-day summit focused on reflections post-Copenhagen. The most common sentiment shared was that although COP15 was a disappointment, there is still room for optimism. Prof focused on the African perspective and refreshingly adding that there is need for compassion, empathy and values to foster efforts to protect the environment and human society at large.
Pete Seeger Supports GBM's Partnership in Haiti
Legendary folk singer Pete Seeger is calling for support of GBM’s long-term partnership with the Lambi Fund of Haiti. He is asking individuals around the world who are interested in the rebuilding and sustainable development of Haitian communities to contribute to GBM’s Haiti Fund.