GBM Blog
Hummingbirds Around the World Inspired by Wangari Maathai's Work
Wangari Maathai wanted everyone to get involved with environmental activities and to "Be a Hummingbird". In the past few months, young hummingbirds from around the world have taken action and have helped bring Wangari Maathai's work to their owncommunities.
ABC Home and Planet Foundation Initiative - Kenya's Coastal Region
The Green Belt Movement (GBM) through support from ABC Home and Planet Foundation has planted over 500,000 trees in Kenya’s Coastal region with focus on these four areas: Msambweni, Matuga Voi, Wundanyi and Mwatate constituencies.
Planting trees in the mind
This noble idea of ‘birthday tree’ was started in 2007 by Dionisio as a way to encourage the children in society to conserve the environment through tree planting.
The Ecology of Public Space: from Uhuru to Taksim
To Mia MacDonald and Wanjira Mathai the demonstrations that began in Istanbul to protest the leveling of Gezi Park to make way for the redevelopment of adjacent Taksim Square rang a familiar bell...
Participatory GIS Mapping in Kirisia Forest, Samburu County
For purposes of monitoring activities in Kirisia forest, GBM undertook capacity building for the GVs so as to equip them with basic Global Positioning System (GPS) and mapping skills (Participatory Geographic Information Systems GIS).
Kenya’s Endemic Poaching Problem
Poaching is an increasingly rampant problem both in Kenya and across Africa and has seen an exponential increase over the past few years. In Kenya the problem as particularly acute among the elephant and rhino populations who are prized for their ivory tusks and horns.
Farm to Fork: Wangari Maathai and GBM at the American Museum of Natural History
A new exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, "Our Global Kitchen: Food, Nature, Culture", explores the complex and intricate food system. The exhibit brings what we eat from farm to fork, and includes a sample meal inspired by Wangari Maathai, founder of the Green Belt Movement (GBM), as part of the exhibit's "Eat" section.
5th June 2013, my World Environment Day
It was a calm Wednesday morning, the sun’s rays piercing through the fog, a gentle wind whistling through the trees as they swayed side to side, setting the scene for what would be a great day ahead: the World Environment Day 2013.
Farmers in Nyeri County soon to reap sweet returns from a GBM and USAID beekeeping project
The Green Belt Movement (GBM) has partnered with USAID to start a beekeeping and apiculture project in Nyeri County in Kenya. The pilot project kicked off on 16 May 2013 when beehives were given out in Nyeri County, Othaya and Tetu.
7 Billion and counting…
You are one of seven billion people who call Earth home. By 2100, 10 billion people are expected to inhabit the planet or, with just a slight variation in fertility rates, 15 billion people– that’s more than double the amount of people on the earth today.